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Table 1 Cephalometric variables

From: Posterior teeth angulation in non-extraction and extraction treatment of anterior open-bite patients

Maxillomandibular relationship

 SNA (°)

SN to NA angle

 SNB (°)

SN to NB angle

 ANB (°)

NA to NB angle

Growth pattern

 SN.PP (°)

SN to palatal plane angle

 SN.GoGn (°)

SN to Go–Gn angle

 PP.MP (°)

Angle between palatal plane(ANS/PNS) and mandibular plane(Go/Gn)

 FMA (°)

Frankfurt horizontal to mandibular plane angle

 Gonial angle (°)

Ar–Go to Go–Gn angle

 LAFH (mm)

Lower anterior face height: distance from ANS to menton

Dental relationship

 Overbite (mm)

Distance between the maxillary and mandibular incisor borders.

Maxillary teeth mesio-distal angulations

 Mx4.BOP (°)

Long axis (apex to tip) of maxillary 1st premolar to bisected occlusal plane (BOP)

 Mx5.BOP (°)

Long axis (apex to tip) of maxillary 2nd premolar to bisected occlusal plane (BOP)

 Mx6.BOP (°)

Long axis (furcation to center of the crown) of maxillary 1st molar to bisected occlusal plane (BOP)


Long axis (furcation to center of the crown) of maxillary 2nd molar to bisected occlusal plane (BOP)

 Mx4.PP (°)

Long axis (apex to tip) of maxillary 1st premolar to palatal plane(ANS–PNS)

 Mx5.PP (°)

Long axis (apex to tip) of maxillary 2nd premolar to palatal plane (ANS–PNS)

 Mx6.PP (°)

Long axis (furcation to center of the crown) of maxillary 1st molar to palatal plane (ANS–PNS)

 Mx7.PP (°)

Long axis (furcation to center of the crown) of maxillary 2nd molar to palatal plane (ANS–PNS)

Mandibular teeth mesio-distal angulations

 Md4.BOP (°)

Long axis (apex to tip) of mandibular 1st premolar to bisected occlusal plane (BOP)

 Md5.BOP (°)

Long axis (apex to tip) of mandibular 2nd premolar to bisected occlusal plane (BOP)

 Md6.BOP (°)

Long axis (furcation to center of the crown) of mandibular 1st molar to bisected occlusal plane (BOP)

 Md7.BOP (°)

Long axis (furcation to center of the crown) of mandibular 2nd molar to bisected occlusal plane(BOP)

 Md4.MP (°)

Long axis (apex to tip) of mandibular 1st premolar to mandibular plane


 Md5.MP (°)

Long axis (apex to tip) of mandibular 2nd premolar to mandibular plane


 Md6.MP (°)

Long axis (furcation to center of the crown) of mandibular 1st molar to mandibular plane (Go–Gn)

 Md7.MP (°)

Long axis (furcation to center of the crown) of mandibular 2nd molar to mandibular plane (Go–Gn)

Interdental angulations

 Mx4.Md4 (°)

Long axis (apex to tip) of maxillary and mandibular 1st premolars

 Mx5.Md5 (°)

Long axis (apex to tip) of maxillary and mandibular 2nd premolars

 Mx6.Md6 (°)

Long axis (furcation to center of the crown) of maxillary and mandibular 1st molars

 Mx7.Md7 (°)

Long axis (furcation to center of the crown) of maxillary and mandibular 2nd molars