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Table 2 Definition of linear measurements

From: Influence of orthodontic appliance-derived artifacts on 3-T MRI movies

Linear measurement


Velar depth (VD)

Length of velar on the plane parallel to Sella-Nasion (SN) reference

Velar height (VH)

Length of velar on the plane parallel to vertical reference to SN reference

Retroglossal space (RS)

Distance between the top and bottom of the pharyngeal wall on the plane parallel to vertical reference to SN reference

Laryngeal ventricle space (LVS)

Distance between the point of the most swelling to the point of the most remaining in the background

Laryngeal ventricle-sphenoid sinus length (LVSL)

Distance between the posterior point of the larynx ventricle and the bottom of the sphenoid bone

Hard-palate length (HPL)

Distance between the anterior nasal spine (ANS) and the posterior nasal spine (PNS)

Lingual apex-pharyngeal length (LAPL)

Distance between the lingual apex and the posterior pharyngeal wall on the plane parallel to SN reference

Lingual apex-hard palate length (LAHL)

Distance between the lingual apex and the hard palate wall on the plane parallel to vertical reference to SN reference