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Table 2 Description of 3D soft tissue landmarks in the study

From: Three-dimensional soft tissue changes according to skeletal changes after mandibular setback surgery by using cone-beam computed tomography and a structured light scanner



Exocanthion (Ex)

The outer corner of the eye fissure where the eyelids meet

Endocanthion (En)

The inner corner of the eye fissure where the eyelids meet

Nasal ala (Al dev/ctl)

The most lateral point on each alar contour on deviated side/contralateral side

Pronasale (Pn)

The most protruded point of the apex nasi

Subnasale (Sn)

The midpoint of the angle at the columella base where the lower border of the nasal septum and the surface of the upper lip met

A’ point (A’)

The deepest point in the soft tissue contour of the upper lip

Labrale superius (Ls)

The midpoint of the upper vermilion line

Stomion superius (Stms)

The lowest point of upper lip vermilion

Cheilion (Ch dev/ctl)

The point located at each labial commissure on deviated side/contralateral side

Stomion inferius (Stmi)

The highest point of lower lip vermilion

Labrale inferius (Li)

The midpoint of the lower vermilion line

B’ point (B’)

The most deepest point from lateral view, on the facial midline,

between the lower lip and chin

Pogonion’ (Pog’)

The most anterior midpoint of chin

Menton’ (Me’)

The lowest median landmark on the lower border of the mandible

Zygomatic point (Zy dev/ctl)

The point where a vertical line from exocanthion and a horizontal line from nasal ala meet on deviated side/contralateral side

Cheek point (Ck dev/ctl)

The point where a vertical line from exocanthion and a horizontal line from cheilion meet on deviated side/contralateral side