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Table 1 Search strategies in the database

From: Allergies/asthma and root resorption: a systematic review





((((((((((((“asthma”[MeSH Terms] OR “asthma”[All Fields]) OR “asthmas”[All Fields]) OR “asthma s”[All Fields]) OR (((“asthma”[MeSH Terms] OR “asthma”[All Fields]) OR (“bronchial”[All Fields] AND “asthma”[All Fields])) OR “bronchial asthma”[All Fields])) OR ((“respiratory tract diseases”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“Respiratory”[All Fields] AND “tract”[All Fields]) AND “diseases”[All Fields])) OR “respiratory tract diseases”[All Fields])) OR ((“rhinitis”[MeSH Terms] OR “rhinitis”[All Fields]) OR “rhinitides”[All Fields])) OR ((((“rhinitis, allergic”[MeSH Terms] OR (“rhinitis”[All Fields] AND “allergic”[All Fields])) OR “allergic rhinitis”[All Fields]) OR (“rhinitis”[All Fields] AND “allergic”[All Fields])) OR “rhinitis allergic”[All Fields])) OR ((“respiration disorders”[MeSH Terms] OR (“respiration”[All Fields] AND “disorders”[All Fields])) OR “respiration disorders”[All Fields])) OR (((((((“allergie”[All Fields] OR “hypersensitivity”[MeSH Terms]) OR “hypersensitivity”[All Fields]) OR “allergies”[All Fields]) OR “allergy”[All Fields]) OR “allergy and immunology”[MeSH Terms]) OR (“allergy”[All Fields] AND “immunology”[All Fields])) OR “allergy and immunology”[All Fields])) OR ((((“respiratory tract infections”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“Respiratory”[All Fields] AND “tract”[All Fields]) AND “infections”[All Fields])) OR “respiratory tract infections”[All Fields]) OR (“Respiratory”[All Fields] AND “infection”[All Fields])) OR “respiratory infection”[All Fields])) OR ((((“respiratory tract infections”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“Respiratory”[All Fields] AND “tract”[All Fields]) AND “infections”[All Fields])) OR “respiratory tract infections”[All Fields]) OR (“Respiratory”[All Fields] AND “infections”[All Fields])) OR “respiratory infections”[All Fields])) OR (“Respiratory”[All Fields] AND ((((“change”[All Fields] OR “changed”[All Fields]) OR “changes”[All Fields]) OR “changing”[All Fields]) OR “changings”[All Fields]))) AND ((((((((“plant roots”[MeSH Terms] OR (“plant”[All Fields] AND “roots”[All Fields])) OR “plant roots”[All Fields]) OR “root”[All Fields]) AND “resorp*”[All Fields]) OR ((((“plant roots”[MeSH Terms] OR (“plant”[All Fields] AND “roots”[All Fields])) OR “plant roots”[All Fields]) OR “root”[All Fields]) AND ((((“shorten”[All Fields] OR “shortened”[All Fields]) OR “shortening”[All Fields]) OR “shortenings”[All Fields]) OR “shortens”[All Fields]))) OR ((((“apical”[All Fields] OR “apically”[All Fields]) OR “apicals”[All Fields]) OR “apices”[All Fields]) AND ((((“resorption”[All Fields] OR “resorptional”[All Fields]) OR “resorptions”[All Fields]) OR “resorptive”[All Fields]) OR “resorptives”[All Fields]))) OR “OIRR”[All Fields]) OR ((“tooth resorption”[MeSH Terms] OR (“tooth”[All Fields] AND “resorption”[All Fields])) OR “tooth resorption”[All Fields]))



((ALL (asthma OR “Respiratory tract disease” OR “Allergic rhinitis” OR rhinitis OR “Rhinitis, Allergic” OR “Respiration Disorders” OR “Respiratory diseases” OR “Respiratory changes” OR “Respiratory infection” OR “Respiratory infections” OR allergy OR allergic OR “Allergy asthma” OR “Bronchial Asthma”)) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Root resorption” OR “Resorption, root” OR “Tooth resorption” OR “Root Resorp*” OR “Root Shortening” OR “Apical Resorption” OR oirr)))


Web of Science

ALL=(asthma OR Respiratory tract disease OR Allergic rhinitis OR rhinitis OR Rhinitis, Allergic OR Respiration Disorders OR Respiratory diseases OR Respiratory changes OR Respiratory infection OR Respiratory infections OR allergy OR allergic OR Allergy asthma OR Bronchial Asthma) AND ALL=(Root resorption OR Resorption, root OR Tooth resorption OR Root Resorp* OR Root Shortening OR Apical Resorption OR oirr)



(mh:(asthma)) OR (mh:(asma)) OR (mh:(asthma,bronquial)) OR (mh:(respiratory tract diseases)) OR (mh:(asma bronquial)) OR (mh:(respiratory tract disease)) OR (tw:(enfermedades tracto respiratório)) OR (mh:(rhinitis)) OR (tw:(rinitis)) OR (mh:(rhinitis allergic)) OR (mh:(respiration disorders)) OR (tw:(desórdenes respiratórios)) OR (tw:(allergy)) AND (mh:(Root resorption)) OR (mh:(Reabsorción radicular)) OR (tw:(Root shortening)) OR (tw:(Acortamiento de la raiz)) OR (tw:(OIRR)) OR (tw:(Apical resorption)) OR (tw:(Tooth resorption)) OR (tw:(Reabsorción dental))



(“asthma”/exp OR “asthmatic state”/exp OR “respiratory tract disease”/exp OR “rhinitis”/exp OR “allergic rhinitis”/exp OR “breathing disorder”/exp OR “allergy”/exp OR “respiratory infections”/exp) AND (“root resorption” OR “root shortening or” OR “apical resorption or tooth resorption”)



(Asthma OR Bronchial Asthma OR Respiratory Tract Diseases OR Rhinitis OR Rhinitis Allergic OR Respiration Disorders OR Allergy OR Respiratory Infection OR Respiratory Infections OR Respiratory Changes) AND (Root Resorp* OR Root Shortening OR OIRR OR Apical Resorption OR Tooth Resorption)


Google Scholar

(Asthma OR Rhinitis OR Allergy AND Root Resorption OR Root Shortening OR OIRR)



Root resorption