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Table 2 Classification of OTM type

From: Predictability of lower incisor tip using clear aligner therapy


Classification of OTM


AP/IE ratio

Distance of CRot from CRes

Root movement

CRot close to incisal edge, displacement of IE is minimal

IF AP/IE <  − 1.5 OR AP/IE > 2.4 AND “Ap movement” > 0.5 mm

6 < CRot < 30

Uncontrolled tipping

CRot close to CRes, displacement of IE and AP similar in magnitude but opposite in direction

IF − 1.5 < AP/IE < −0.2 AND “Ap movement” > 0.5 mm AND “IE movement” > 0.5 mm

−3 < CRot < 6

Controlled tipping

CRot close to apex, displacement of Ap is minimal

IF − 0.2 < AP/IE < 0.5 AND “IE movement” > 0.5 mm

30 < CRot < −3


CRot approaching infinity, displacement of Ap and IE similar in magnitude and direction

IF 0.5 < AP/IE < 2.4 AND “Ap movement” > 0.5 mm AND “IE movement” > 0.5 mm

CRot > 30 OR CRot < −30

Clinically insignificant movement (CIM)

A/IE fits within above category but Apex AND/OR IE movement < 0.5 mm

  1. Arbitrary thresholds based on distances between CRot and CRes were used to describe transition between different types of tooth movements