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Table 2 Protocols of the ongoing studies registered at the and the ANZCTR

From: Effectiveness of minimally invasive surgical procedures in the acceleration of tooth movement: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Study ID

Trial name or title

Study design

Intervention + treatment comparison

Sample size/age/gender



Efficacy of minimally invasive surgical technique in accelerating orthodontic treatment


-Single blind (outcomes assessor)

-Piezocision + OT vs. OT

- MOPs accomplished by ER: YAG laser + OT vs. OT

36/15–27/both (male, females)

Primary outcomes: rate of canine retraction

Secondary outcomes: rate of molar anchorage loss/canine rotation/levels of pain and discomfort


Assessment of piezoelectric periodontal surgery effects on orthodontic treatment: a prospective pilot study


-Single blind (outcomes assessor)

Piezocision + OT vs. OT

EXP:20, CON:40/18–40/both (male, females)

Primary outcomes: duration of orthodontic treatment

Secondary outcomes: compare the duration of treatment with the control group/overall quality of treatment (ABO) standards/pain/inflammatory markers/density and bone volume/root resorption


Efficiency of piezocision-assisted orthodontic treatment in adult patients


-Open label

Piezocision + OT vs. OT

24/21 years and older/both (male, females)

Primary outcomes: overall treatment time measurement.

Secondary outcomes: root resorption/periodontal parameters/patient-centred outcomes


Alveolar micro-perforation for inflammation-enhanced tooth movement during orthodontic treatment (propel)


- Open label

MOPs + OT vs. OT

15/18–55/both (male, females)

Primary outcomes: tooth movement

Secondary outcomes: NR


Efficiency of piezo-corticision in accelerating orthodontic tooth movement


- Open label

Peizo-corticision + OT vs. OT

NR/15–35/both (male, females)

Primary outcomes: rate of orthodontic canine movement.

Secondary outcomes: rate of orthodontic incisor retraction/quality of treatment outcome (ABO) standards


Micro-osteoperforation and tooth movement


-Double blind (investigator outcomes assessor)

MOPs + OT vs. OT

40/13–45/both (males, females)

Primary outcomes: rate of tooth movement

Secondary outcomes: pain/root resorption/patient satisfaction


Optimum micro-osteoperforations accelerated tooth movement interval


-Single blind (outcomes assessor)

MOPs + OT vs. OT

36/18–45/both (males, females)

Primary outcomes: rate of orthodontic tooth movement

Secondary outcomes: rate of orthodontic tooth movement between maxilla and mandible and when micro-osteoperforations performed at 4-, 8- and 12-week intervals/pain.


Three-dimensional evaluation of accelerated tooth movement


- Open label

MOPs + OT vs. OT

50/16–60/both (males, females)

Primary outcomes: velocity rate of anterior retraction/bone demineralization

Secondary outcomes: NR

ACTRN12615000593538 Register: ANZCTR

The effects of micro-osteoperforations on orthodontic root resorption and tooth movement—a pilot study


-Double blind (investigator, outcomes assessor)

MOPs + OT vs. OT

15/12–18/both (males, Females)

Primary outcomes: root resorption

Secondary outcomes: orthodontic tooth movement/level of discomfort

  1. RCT randomized clinical trial, PG parallel-group design, SP split-mouth design, MOPs micro-osteoperforations, OT orthodontic therapy, NR not reported, EXP experimental group, CON control group, ABO American Board of Orthodontics’ grading system