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Table 1 Landmark definitions

From: Comparison of the effects on facial soft tissues produced by rapid and slow maxillary expansion using stereophotogrammetry: a randomized clinical trial

Point number

Point name

Point definition

1 and 2


Point at the inner commissure of the eye fissure

3 and 4

Alar point

The most lateral point on each alar contour (adjusted on the frontal and lateral views)

5 and 6

Columella point

The point located at the lateral aspects of the central region of the columella (on the submental view)

7 and 8


The point located at each labial commissure


Labiale superius (Ls)

The midpoint of the vermilion line of the upper lip


Labiale inferius (Li)

The midpoint of the vermilion line of the lower lip


Pronasale (Prn)

The most anterior midpoint of the nasal tip (adjusted on the frontal and lateral views)


Soft tissue Pogonion

The most anterior point of the soft tissue of the chin