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Table 2 Definitions of 3D linear and angular measurements

From: Comparison of the effects on facial soft tissues produced by rapid and slow maxillary expansion using stereophotogrammetry: a randomized clinical trial



Intercanthal width (mm)

Linear distance between the endocanthion points (1 and 2)

Nasal width (mm)

Linear distance between the most lateral point on each alar contour (adjusted on the frontal and lateral views)

Nasal columella width (mm)

Linear distance between the points located at the lateral aspects of the central region of the columella (on the submental view)

Mouth width (mm)

Linear distance between the points located at each labial commissure

Nasal tip angle (degree)

Angle formed by AlarRight-Prn-AlarLeft

Upper lip angle (degree)

Angle formed by CheilionRight-Ls-CheilionLeft

Lower lip angle (degree)

Angle formed by CheilionRight-Li-CheilionLeft